In this chapter, I am going to make use of the SH Figuarts DBZ Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien as well as the SH Figuarts DBZ Vegeta and Nappa.

At the point of writing, the SH Figuarts DBZ Kid Gohan has not been released and sadly, I missed out on the SH Figuarts DBZ Krillin. Still, I am waiting patiently for a re-release of the Krillin figure.

As the Saiyans entered Earth’s atmosphere…

Two powerful and ominous auras were felt by the Dragon Ball Z warriors on Earth.

SH Figuarts DBZ Piccolo Figure

“Two powerful and evil auras just entered Earth. They have settled down in an area not far from my location.” thought Piccolo. “The time has finally arrived. Am I ready for the Saiyans?”

SH Figuarts DBZ Yamcha Figure

A few hundred miles away, a lone warrior senses the same presence of two powerful beings entering Earth.

“This is it, I have trained a whole year for this.” Yamcha thought.

SH Figuarts DBZ Tien Shin Han Figure

Yet in another corner on Earth, two fighters Tien Shin Han and ChiaoTzu stopped mid-way during their training as they too sensed the approach of two evil forces.

Before they could further react, a distant explosion from a powerful blast caught their attention.

“What have they done? What kind of move was that. This explosion must have wiped out the entire Eastern City in that direction!” Tien exclaimed.

The mercilessness and brutality of the Saiyans were certainly within expectations.

Still, Tien could feel himself fill with rage by the utter disregard for human lives displayed by the Saiyans.

SH Figuarts DBZ Vegeta and Nappa Figures

“Let’s go Nappa. The one with the highest Power Level is very near to us.” Vegeta said as he began to take flight.

“Haha, this planet has very low gravity. It’s much easier to move around!” Nappa exclaimed as he and Vegeta both started moving towards the location of Piccolo.

“Here they come.” Piccolo removed his cape in preparation of battle as he sensed the two evil auras approaching his location.

“They have begun moving. I have to go help out Piccolo. Stay here Chiaotzu!” Tien Shinhan said as he started flying towards Piccolo’s location. Deep down, he could had a bad feeling about his fate and was not confident about defeating the Saiyans.

If even he could not defeat the Saiyans, Chiaotzu was definitely no match for them.

“No! I’m coming along. After all, I have trained hard for the past 1 year. I could be of some help!” ChiaoTzu replied as he began contemplating the use of his secret move…

“I would do anything to protect you, Tien.”

The SH Figuarts Chiaotzu is really hilarious here. Sorry that I couldn’t do more with him.

Soon the Dragon Ball Z warriors gathered and within minutes, they saw for the first time the opponents that they were up against.

A tall Bald Saiyan and a shorter one with an evil grin. Piccolo could sense immediately that the short one was extremely powerful. He had no confidence of defeating him. At this point, they could only stall for time. Hopefully, they could gain enough time for Goku to arrive….

“So, it seems that you guys were expecting us.” The short one began.

“Yes, you are right.” Piccolo replied.”Before we begin, let me just ask one last time. What is your objective here?”

“This voice. You were the one who defeated Raditz?” The Short one asked, evading the question.

“Vo… Voice?” Piccolo was puzzled.

“Raditz did not explain to you? This thing that we are wearing is called a Scouter and is also a transmitter.” The short one said as he pointed to the same device that was previously worn by Raditz.

“Vegeta, that green guy is a Namek, right?” The Bald one asked.

“Seems like it. No wonder Raditz was defeated. I have heard that the Nameks were not only powerful warriors but also a magic wielding race. I am now convinced of the existence of the Dragon Balls on this planet.” Vegeta said.

“Well, thanks for answering the question. I now know that your objective is the Dragon Ball. Also, thanks to you guys, I now know about my ancestry.” Piccolo said. “So, I am a Namek. Sorry to disappoint you, but we won’t be going down without a fight.”

“You dare challenge the mighty Nappa with such pathetic Power Levels?” Nappa laughed as he scanned the 3 beings in front of him.

“No, Nappa. These people have trained and know how to control their power levels. Do not rely on the Scouter. That was what got Raditz killed.” Vegeta said as he began removing his Scouter.

Nappa followed suit.

“These guys look pretty strong. I think we have some Saibamen left right? Let’s get them out and put these guys through a test.” Vegeta remarked to Nappa, as if something entertaining was about to happen.

Nappa reached for a glass-liked container with 6 black seeds in it. He then squatted down and planted these seeds into the soil at his feet.

Within seconds, something seemed to start stirring within the soil and green creatures emerged from within. These must be the Saibamen the Saiyans were referring to.

SH Figuarts Saibamen that comes with Yamcha

“Go forth Saibamen, take out these 3 people in front of you!” Vegeta commanded.

“Don’t you look down on us!” Tien shouted as he got ready for a fight.

To be continued…..

Where to Buy SH Figuarts DBZ Toy Figures?

The SH Figuarts DBZ Figures can be found on Amazon from the links below

These figures also be found on Play-asia from the links below.

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